
Elio Carmi_ritratto

Ciao Elio

Ciao Elio,

we would like to remember you through your words “fai che farlo”, or “just do that”: the title of the last book you wrote. You taught exactly this to us – as individuals, as professionals. And you instilled it in Carmi e Ubertis. “We understand things only by doing them”: this was the motto you built the Branding Design Oriented method on – a method that has been letting us differentiate ourselves for years and is constantly evolving.

With this method, we keep pursuing our obsession for quality; thanks to it, we are able to innovatively enhance brands, achieving –and letting them achieve– important results. You shared it in your books, your texts and in your teachings, in universities such as the Milan Polytechnic.

Sadly, for some time now, far from us but not alone, you have been fighting your disease. What you leave to us will never end. And we will do everything in our power to let it evolve and spread, to all.

We will miss you immensely as a person, but we know you will remain in everything we do and will do.

“Do that”, Elio – or “fai che farlo” – in your new challenge.

Carmi e Ubertis
The Full Project

Luca Morvilli
Alessandro Ubertis

f t g p n E